
Music Hack Day Boston 2012 Project with Jim Fingal.

We built a Brick Breaker game that generates a brick pattern from any song. When you break a brick it plays the corresponding portion of the song.

Apologies to anyone who tried to download the file and got a "classic environment" error - the executable we uploaded to github was corrupted. It should work now on Lion/Mountain Lion. You can download directly here. You may still need to manually right click and select 'open' since the code is unsigned.

ECHOBREAKOUT was built using The EchoNest Remix Library and The Löve2d framework.

Default music for the application was provided by the Free Music Archive, specifically, Trouba by Steve Gunn from the album Soundeyet, Latin Jeta by Los Sundayers from the album Eterno Domingo, and Monster on Campus by Halloween from the album S/T. All distributed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.



Brick me, Maybe? 
Brick me, Maybe? 
The font is "Press Start 2P".

The font is "Press Start 2P".

Tell Me A Story

This past weekend I worked with Glenn Axelrod to build a project that prompts storytellers with a randomly-generated story idea, and then allows them to record and upload their story to SoundCloud on a browser running flash.

We had a lot of fun generating the proof-of-concept, particularly the story ideas. You can check it out here.

Erin also created a hack, and got a great writeup on a local website!