Last year, Jim and I used the Rovi Data API to build an app that lists all Christmas albums in the AMG database.
Songs (by frequency on Albums)
I put a fresh coat of paint on the site and re-launched it at The site was only up in December 2012. Now that the holidays are over, I have pulled it down. As usual, the site was built on Python/Flask, but this time I used an Azure VM as the host.
Most Prolific Artists (Ranked by # of Tracks on Albums)
It allows you to sort the most popular songs, most prolific artists, and find songs by genre or subgenre (there are 25 Polka albums, and 33 Disco records - don't miss Christmas In The Stars.
The images above are some tag clouds I built from the data - made with the excellent Wordle. I did the design/styling on the actual site. It's... less polished. Keep an eye open for the site next year during the holidays!
Music Hack Day Boston 2012 Project with Jim Fingal.
We built a Brick Breaker game that generates a brick pattern from any song. When you break a brick it plays the corresponding portion of the song.
Apologies to anyone who tried to download the file and got a "classic environment" error - the executable we uploaded to github was corrupted. It should work now on Lion/Mountain Lion. You can download directly here. You may still need to manually right click and select 'open' since the code is unsigned.
This past weekend I worked with Glenn Axelrod to build a project that prompts storytellers with a randomly-generated story idea, and then allows them to record and upload their story to SoundCloud on a browser running flash.
We had a lot of fun generating the proof-of-concept, particularly the story ideas. You can check it out here.
Erin also created a hack, and got a great writeup on a local website!